Wednesday, February 27, 2013

what's cookin'?

If you're like me, you like to cook. Also if you're like me, an easy meal to sneak into the menu is a must. A few weeks back I found this recipe on Pinterest. The first time I made it I followed the original recipe.  Since then, I've tweaked it some.

What You'll Need:
-chicken breasts
-two veggies of your choice (I started using carrots and potatoes)
-one packet of dry Italian dressing mix
-olive oil

These are the steps I take when making this yummy meal. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Rinse and chop up the veggies. I like to boil my veggies for a few minutes so they're more tender. If you prefer firmer ones, just skip that step. Meanwhile, I salt and pepper the chicken breasts and place them in the baking dish. After the veggies are ready I pat them dry and lightly coat them in olive oil. I place them on either sides of the chicken, then just sprinkle the packet of seasoning all over.

Pop it in the oven for about 30 minutes and viola! You have an easy, delicious dinner. And it's a quick cleanup, too!

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